The Call

Way back in 1976, a prophetess told me the following:

The Lord is going to take you to places you never dreamed possible. That which you are doing for Him now will grow into ministries you could not have imagined. Serve Him with all your heart and might.

At the time, I was in school and active in ministries such as SCA, YFC, Sunday School teaching, worship leading etc. After I left school, I always got involved wherever I could be of service.

Servicing my Heavenly Father and His people has always been a priority in my life.

Newsletter - Autumn 2016

What a start to 2016 !!….and to think we have reached April already.

In the 3rd week of January 2016, I had to undergo should surgery, on my dominant side.  The rotator cuff had a 100% tear and quite a bit of work was done on 2 bones in the joint.  I was not prepared for the levels of pain or the long-term recovery period.  After a few days, I was re-admitted into hospital because my blood sugar levels were too low and I was not coping with the pain.  Thankfully, I am on the mend.  I am able to drive my car again and have become more independent.  Physiotherapy is tough but necessary and I hope to have full use of my arm within 12 months.

Family news:
My daughter, Roelene has an on-going battle with health issues, due to  her thyroid having been removed 6 years ago.  At that time, she was treated for Thyroid Cancer.  Recently, she spent a week in hospital as further tests were done, as her body is not absorbing the replacement thyroid medication correctly, and was diagnose with Thyrotoxicosis.  She has also been tested for metal imbalances. The results have not been very good, with very high levels of mercury and other metals. A new course of medication has been added to detox her body and we have to research all foods to be sure that she is not consuming too many metals  (goodbye Sushi!)  Slowly, she is recovering and has been able to return to her teaching position.

My grandson, Cullen, will be turning 1 year old in April 2016.  He is Granny’s heart-throb and came into my life at the perfect time to fill the gap left by Peter.  Another blessing is that he will become a big brother later this year.

Ministry News:
The shoulder operation limited my typing abilities but at last I am managing to keep up with the clerical work that I do for AFMIN  (Africa Ministries Network).  In 2016, we will be holding graduations in the four countries where I am involved.  This means much updating of student data and reports.  I love this sort of clerical work which the Lord has allowed me to use in ministry.  As I am not a a pastor or evangelist, this is a wonderful way for me to be involved in service to the Lord and the people who do go out and win/nurture souls.  
 Many of the pastors and church leaders who are been trained by AFMIN, would otherwise not have the opportunity to gain this type of knowledge. 37 subjects are offered over a 4 year period.  Further to this, Students who graduate with an Advanced Diploma have the opportunity to register to do a Degree in Theology at the South African Theological Seminary (SATS).
Currently, I am involved in ministry in Namibia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.  The year ahead:
There are 4 more AFMIN Schools (Conference weeks) during 2016,  which I am trusting the Lord that I can attend.  Due to the operation, I had not been able to travel but have now been given the go-ahead by the medical people. 
During the Schools, I am directly involved with interviewing each student so as to ensure that they remain up-to-date with their studies and other practical requirements, so as to aim for graduation.  Considering that 35 to 70 students attend each “School”, time is of the limit as we strive to give each person quality time, during their interview.  I continue with admin work at home which equals a full-time clerical position. 
This ministry is extremely fulfilling and has been very beneficial in my searching for purpose after losing Peter.  The Lord has a calling on each of our lives and it is up to us to seek His Will and then put ourselves into 100% service, no matter where He leads us.

Prayer Requests:
*For the Pastors and Ministers of the Churches in Africa.  Ephesian 4:11 – that the Lord will use them to build up His People and to supply their needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus.
*Afmin staff and volunteers and each one strives to fulfil the vision  (
*The safe arrival of Simon and Melanie’s baby in August 2016.
*For Roelene regarding her health issues.  For wisdom to be given to the medical people involved in her case, so that they can treat and advise her positively.
*For my health issues.  I am Type2 Diabetic and I have a constant battle as to whether it controls me or I successfully control it!  The diabetes affects my eyes, kidneys and often is responsible for low energy days.
*For my safety when traveling, protection on my belongings and that the Lord will supply my financial needs both for travelling and daily living.  As a volunteer, I am responsible for raising funds through sponsorship.

Please feel free to send any prayer requests through to me, so that I can support you in your endeavours and the situations that life present you.

Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter.